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I wake up in the morning and ask,
"Who can I serve today?"
then tune into my heart and listen.

I honor your hopes and dreams and will do my best to empower you on your journey. All that I have been through allows me to comfort others and give them the confidence to conquer challenges in a practical, grounded and loving way.

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Sue's Story

When I was 28 years old, on disability from my chemical engineering career, I spent a year in bed sleeping 18-20 hours a day, suffering from chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. I was a “universal reactor” — allergic to everything! During one of my more lucid moments, I prayed asking for help, promising my Creator that I would help everyone who crossed my path.

After that moment, I received an endless supply of support through holistic healthcare providers, books, nutritional guidance and so much more! During my healing journey, I started reaching out to others and began a support group teaching what I learned about detoxing my life of chemicals, eating organic foods, aligning my body through chiropractic and yoga and embracing a spiritual journey of self-discovery.

I learned that in Chinese Medicine CRISIS is the same word as OPPORTUNITY!

I embraced the concept that my chemical engineering career no longer coincided with my life’s purpose. I began post-graduate, pre-med studies to join the world of chiropractic. While in school, I facilitated support groups, worked in a health food store and fully embraced the holistic lifestyle.

As fate would have it, I was introduced to a fascinating Acupuncturist and Herbalist who was opening a wellness clinic in 1988. My friend suggested that I interview with him to obtain a position as a Self-Care Educator. Well, I got the position. He is now my husband! Dr. Orest Pelechaty and I have worked side by side serving thousands of patients through an integrated holistic medicine model. We ran New Jersey’s oldest and largest clinic for 15 years, employing 25 people at one time, offering chiropractic, acupuncture, herbal medicine, homeopathy, nutrition, bodywork and counseling. While we loved what we were doing, we found that it was time for a change. We sold our clinic. Orest went into private practice, and I was out of a job. At that time, our friends Jeffrey Lewis and Gailann Greene introduced me to Young Living Essential Oils as a career opportunity.

Sue and Orest Pelechaty
Sue and Orest Pelechaty

I was intrigued at the possibility of continuing my commitment of serving others and offering them a life of holistic wellness, purpose and abundance. Since 2002, I have been studying essential oil therapeutics with the late D. Gary Young, and hold a certification in Clinical Aromatherapy -- something that has paired well with my background in chemical engineering!

Along the way, I also discovered Therapeutic Kinesiology as an incredible modality for identifying and healing the root cause of illness. I studied with Reverend Myra Swanson to master the technique, and went on to co-found my own practice and teach Therapeutic Kinesiology workshops. I am honored to have helped countless clients clear the barriers to their personal growth and create the life they were meant to live!

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© Sue Pelechaty 2022

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